15 июля


Saga Of July 15

People of Sinop kept democracy watch.

People of Sinop kept democracy watch.

TIME : 23:25 LOCATION : Sinop

On the night of July 15, people took to the streets in Sinop. People of Sinop who took to the streets upon the calls of Prime Minister Yıldırım and then President Erdogan stood up against the coup attempt and kept democracy watch. Police forces on full alert took intense security measures in front of Governorship of Sinop and police department. Exit of any soldier from military units was not allowed and the lights of Provincial Gendarmerie Regiment Command were turned off. It was found out that an order had been given to all district commands to surround district governorships and police department. The then Deputy Commander of Sinop Garrison Colonel Temel Çetinkaya was arrested. Colonel Temel Çetinkaya’s wife who had been the former Deputy Governor of Sinop, Yasemin Özata Çetinkaya was taken into custody and then released on condition of judicial control.