15 июля


Saga Of July 15

People of Bitlis protected democracy.

People of Bitlis protected democracy.

TIME : 00:15 LOCATION : Bitlis

In the night of 15 July, state, army and nation collaborated in Bitlis and defeated the coup attempt. After President Erdoğan's call to the people "resist the coup", people of Bitlis who came to the streets made demonstrations of democracy support. While city center of Bitlis was closed, the police around police headquarters and governorship took intensive security measures.

In the night of 15 July, 10th Commando Brigade Commander Brigadier General Arif Settar Afşar called Bitlis Gendarmerie Provincial Commander Colonel Mustafa Gezer and said that he appointed him as a martial law commander and wanted him to wait for orders and instructions without leaving his position.

Bitlis Gendarmerie Provincial Commander Colonel Mustafa Gezer rejected the request of the coup general. Attempt of the putschists to arrest the governor and police commissioner was also come to naught. With support of the people of Bitlis, the coup attempt ended.

10th Commando Brigade Commander Brigadier General Arif Settar Afşar, former Chief of Staff Ercüment Takır, Major Akın Cellat responsible for Logistics Branch Directorate, former Operations and Training Branch Manager Halis Işıklı were arrested.