15 июля


Saga Of July 15

Coup plotters were completely defeated

Coup plotters were completely defeated

TIME : 23:40 LOCATION : Isparta

One of the places where treacherous coup plotters were defeated on the night of July 15 was Isparta. The coup plotters into trouble in Ankara asked Eğirdir Mountain Commando School and Training Central Command in Isparta for help. It was intended to take 700 military students to Ankara so as to use them in coup attempt. Coup plotters trying to land the aircrafts they seized at Isparta Süleyman Demirel Airport had to turn back due to a threat of attack. They suffered a great blow since 700 military students could not arrive at Ankara. 27 perpetrators who were in cooperation with coup plotters including Commander Eğirdir Mountain Commando School and Training Central Command, Major General Metin Akkaya and Commander of Isparta Garrison, Brigadier General Mustafa Kurutmaz at that time, were arrested.