15 июля


Saga Of July 15

150.000 people  gathered in the square.

150.000 people gathered in the square.

TIME : 23:38 LOCATION : Kayseri

On the night of July 15, people took to the streets upon the call of President Erdogan. About 150 thousands people gathered in Cumhuriyet Square in Kayseri. The then Commander of Kayseri 1st Commando Brigade was the legendary commander Major General Aydoğan Aydın who was martyred in Şırnak later.

Aydoğan Aydın performed his counter-terrorism duty with Brigadier General rank in Çukurca region of Hakkari. As soon as he received information about coup attempt, he called Governor of Kayseri Süleyman Kamçı and said “I am on the side of my state and people. Even a soldier will not leave my troops.

I am against the coup and coup plotters.” Then, he called Commando Brigade Command of which he is in charge as the commander and ordered “Even a single private will not go out”. However, it was detected that 12th Air Transportation Main Base Command and 2nd Air Supply Maintenance Center Command were used during the coup attempt.

Commander of 2nd Air Supply Maintenance Center Command Pilot Major General İsmail Yalçın who would have assumed Governorship and Mayorship of Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality if the coup attempt had succeeded and the Commander of 12th Air Transportation Main Base Command Pilot Brigadier General Cemal Akyıldız were arrested.