Saga Of July 15

 People marched in  support of democracy.

People marched in support of democracy.

TIME : 23:45 LOCATION : Adıyaman

On the night of July 15, citizens and state stood together and repelled the coup attempt in Adıyaman. On the night of the coup attempt, people of Adıyaman took to the streets upon the call of President Erdoğan “resist against the coup attempt” and marched in support of democracy and stood against coup attempt. Governorship of Adıyaman was surrounded by special police forces and no one was allowed to come close to the governorship. After the intense security measures taken, any exit from military units was not allowed in Adıyaman. Deputy Governor of Adıyaman at the time, Levent Öztin who had been dismissed and put under custody within the scope of the operation started after the coup attempt was arrested. 

15 июля